lingdb / Sound-Comparisons

Exploring phonetic diversity across language families —
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Minor Tweaks to Improved Translation System #477

Open PaulHeggarty opened 6 years ago

PaulHeggarty commented 6 years ago

Issues Still Outstanding

screenshot - 2018-05-03 11_21_21

screenshot - 2018-05-09 11_48_06

screenshot - 2018-03-20 19_37_24

Already Fixed

Translations into

Bibiko commented 6 years ago

@PaulHeggarty Re Uploading the Page_DynamicTranslation.txt file, if an entry is new, then just upload it. But if an entry matches an existing record for all of the three fields "TranslationId","Category","Field", then it should only be uploaded if the "Trans" field is empty: May I ask why? One can achieve it but then you cannot correct a misspelled translation by uploading a csv file. If you do not want to change a translation it shouldn't be simply occur in the csv file.

Bibiko commented 6 years ago

@PaulHeggarty Re file Translations into you are aware that inside these files the TranslationID (language) is wrong! Polish has the ID 29 NOT 12

Bibiko commented 6 years ago

@PaulHeggarty Re For the record, please paste here the tables with the Translation IDs for all translation languages, and the exact text of the Category name for all Studies: Please go to the Admin section; under Database you will find Generate Page_DynamicTranslation template which allows to download a template for a chosen language and study.

PaulHeggarty commented 6 years ago

Regarding this comment three above this one: from @Bibiko "May I ask why?" The answer is because we will never want to change/correct any translations other than through the translation interface directly. If a translator has already begun entering any translations, they take priority. These automatic csv uploads are only to be done normally before a translator even starts on that study, to automatically fill in words that are highly likely to be right, though 1 in 20 or so may need correcting manually. But any manual translation already done takes priority and should never be overwritten by this csv upload.

PaulHeggarty commented 6 years ago

Sorry for getting the Polish wrong! I'll programme a failsafe for that.