linghu8812 / tensorrt_inference

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nanodet onnx convert tensorrt error:Failure while parsing ONNX file #126

Open chaochao1993 opened 2 years ago

chaochao1993 commented 2 years ago

sorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32. ERROR: ModelImporter.cpp:92 In function parseGraph: [8] Assertion failed: convertOnnxWeights(initializer, &weights, ctx) [01/11/2022-09:38:12] [E] Failure while parsing ONNX file start building engine [01/11/2022-09:38:13] [E] [TRT] Network must have at least one output [01/11/2022-09:38:13] [E] [TRT] Network validation failed.