Please set FileDownloadLog.NEED_LOG=true and review the Logcat output from main process and :filedownloader process ( pay attention to Warn and Error level logcat)
What problem do you get?
Which version of FileDownloader are you using when you produce such problem?
How to reproduce such problem?
Do you set FileDownloadLog.NEED_LOG=true?
Could you please reproduce this problem and provide all main process and :filedownloader process logcat
Can you fix it by yourself and request PR, if not, what's problem do you get when you try to fix it
P.S. If you don't know how to get :filedownloader process, it's recommended to using pidcat to just filter all your application logcat, or define process.non-separate=true on
Before Issue
and review the Logcat output from main process and:filedownloader
process ( pay attention to Warn and Error level logcat)Issue
process logcat请在Issue前认真的跟进上面提到的建议,这样将可以极大的加快你遇到问题的处理。