lingxz / er

:snail: a hugo theme
MIT License
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Disqus support #16

Open dorneanu opened 3 years ago

dorneanu commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'd like to add disqus to your theme. I know hugo has it's own internal template to add disqus. But what would be the perfect file to add the code?

{{ template "_internal/disqus.html" . }}

Thanks in advance and awesome theme! ❤️

lingxz commented 3 years ago

Hello and thanks for checking out the theme!

Just as a matter of personal preference, I would like to keep the theme minimal and without commenting capabilities. However, you can easily override this in your own blog, by adding a file at layouts/_default/single.html, copying over the contents add, and add the disqus shortcode at the end.

dorneanu commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply.