linkagescape / linkage-mapper

ArcGIS tools to automate mapping and prioritization of wildlife habitat corridors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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File listing and data dictionaries for tool outputs #35

Open dkav opened 6 years ago

dkav commented 6 years ago

Documentation should include for each tool:

dkav commented 6 years ago

One simple example of why this is needed - the Centrality User Guide does not state what field/attribute contains the centrality score.

johngallo commented 6 years ago

This would be really good. A big task for the whole toolbox, but less so for one toolbox at a time. Maybe we start with Centrality Mapper because of the hole you mention. The order depends on who does this I guess. if you, maybe it would be better to start with climate linkage mapper (my assumption is that you know that one the best.)

dkav commented 6 years ago

Climate Linkage Mapper is just a preprocessor for Linkage Mapper so output is the same as produced when running Linkage Mapper directly. (Can you tell I am not jumping to volunteer for this?)

johngallo commented 6 years ago

A note from a beta tester corroborating this need: "I've run the test data, and the scripts all complete successfully. The only issue I'm having is in opening my results, this may be me forgetting how, but I remember it being a simpler process from my project directory? I just have a bunch of files, but not a clear one that has the results."

johngallo commented 2 years ago


From a user on 10/22/2021:

"Dear Professor John Gallo,

I am a Ph.D. student in Hungary, I am doing my Ph.D. dissertation to map ecological connectivity networks by using Linkage Mapper - Build Network and Map Linkages. I got files 'Linkage_corridors', 'Linkage_corridors_truncated_at_200k', 'Linkage_cwd', 'Linkage_inactive_LCPs', 'Linkage_inactive_Sticks', 'Linkage_LCPs', 'Linkage_Sticks' by running step 1, step 2, step 3 and step 5. image.png Could you tell me all the files' meaning and functions? Is 'Linkage_cwd' cumulative resistance surface?

I mainly want to get cumulative resistance surface and least-cost path, but I don't know other files' functions, I might explore more scientific results by all the files here. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards, Guifang Wang

Guifang Wang

Ph. D. Candidate Landscape Architect Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences / Szent István University Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art. Budapest - Hungary

E-mail: / /

johngallo commented 1 year ago

HI Daniel, I do not have time to do this 100% certainty, via testing or double checking the code.  Only off the top of my head, sorry. Answers below: If you want to send me a populated table as a .csv or a .xlsx I can speculate more thoroughly. I hope thi shelps. Thanks, John

On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 7:34 PM Daniel Gomez wrote: Hello, I am a biology student and I am learning to use linkage mapper I would like to know the definition of each of the outputs that the tool gives.  From_Core- the id number of the core that the link is coming fromTo_Core - the id number of the core that the link is going toEuc_Dist - the euclidian distance of the link CW_Dist - the cost weighted distance of the link LCP_Length - not sure, is either the same as Euc_dist or maybe the distanc as the crow flies from link start to link end.  What does it look like? Shape_Leng - not sure cw_toEuc - the ratio of the CW_Dist to Euc_Dist  I think. cwd_to_Pat - not sure

Gracias, --

johngallo commented 6 months ago

Core Area attribute descriptions:

mean_res: Mean value of the resistance surface in the core area. norm_res: Normalized mean value of the resistance surface in the core area. norm_size: Normalized size of the corea area (largest core = 1) perimeter: Perimeter of the core area ap_ratio: Area to perimeter ratio norm_ratio: normalized area to perimeter ratio (highest value on the landscape = 1)  cav: Core area value, which is a weighted sum of sub-criteria norm_cav: Normalized core area value            clim_env: Current climate envelope value             nclim_env: Normalized climate envelope value fut_clim: Future climate envelope value nfut_clim: Normalized future climate envelope value ocav: Other core area value nocav: Other core area value ecav: Expert-defined core area value necav: Normalized expert-defined core area value