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Development of a specification for linked data in museums, using existing ontologies and frameworks to build usable, understandable APIs
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Files (Digital Objects) cannot be deleted #524

Open azaroth42 opened 9 months ago

azaroth42 commented 9 months ago

Because digital object is an Information Object, which is conceptual rather than physical, there isn't an end of existence event associated with it. Normally if there is any carrier anywhere, including human memory, for a conceptual thing, then it exists. So we don't have an end of existence, as the description of the thing that no longer existed would carry a version of the concept ... and so the concept still exists.

However we can delete digital things. We can destroy a particular digital carrier of a work more easily than a physical carrier.

I propose we add, in Linked Art, an end of existence event for Digital Object. We could call it Deletion with a property on D1 of la:deleted_by. In all other respects it's an End of Existence.

azaroth42 commented 8 months ago

Class: Erasure properties: erased / erased_by

azaroth42 commented 6 months ago

1.1 as not core, and backwards compatible.