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How to create a metatype for artist assigned inventory numbers #567

Open beaudet opened 4 months ago

beaudet commented 4 months ago

We have a large collection of Stieglitz prints. The artist created a Key Set (la:Set) and assigned numbers to each work specific to that Key Set. We refer to these alternative identifiers as "Key Set Numbers".

When creating a metatype to represent the Key Set Numbers concept so that it can be included as an Identifier, it seems to me like the best equivalent classification for a custom minted concept would be AAT's "creation numbers" but the custom term would also need to be further classified with some type of association with the "Key Set" set but that's a Set not a Type.

How do you recommend I proceed?

For example, is there a way to specify identifiers that are directly related to the membership in a Set? That would preclude the use of a metatype because the Set would already be available in that case, so only Creation Numbers would be needed.

For now, I'm going to mint a custom Type that represents this specific Key Set so I can move forward, but hopefully there's a better option.


azaroth42 commented 4 months ago

Two options:

  1. The easier route is to mint a custom type. Then you're on the hook to describe that concept, give it a persistent identifier and so on. Easy enough for a few, but not great if you need dozens or more.

  2. You could describe the assigning of the identifier with an AttributeAssignment. The type of identifier is just a regular number, and then associate the Set or assigning entity with it via the AA. We do this in LUX a lot to distinguish between the accession numbers, call numbers, or other identifiers of different organizations. For example: has two sets of identifiers as it is jointly owned by the art gallery and the YCBA

azaroth42 commented 4 months ago

docs-needed or close?

cbutcosk commented 4 months ago

I work with a dataset that’s got a few AS Key Set nums in it, and we’re trying to understand what our users want in hopefully-useful Catalogue Raissone numbers for O’Keeffe herself, some brief thoughts:

azaroth42 commented 4 months ago
cbutcosk commented 4 months ago

Is the best way to emit string data that has identity from an API perspective to use a LinguisticObject? Creation and Publication nodes work better as model for identifier publication / striking / etc anyway and it might be painful to use AAs for audit trail use cases. Throwing that out as an option for those in need, not prescribing it in the top-of-thread use case.