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Relegate complex provenance to extension #580

Open azaroth42 opened 2 months ago

azaroth42 commented 2 months ago

The transfer of rights model for provenance is very complex and likely only feasible for dedicated provenance research teams such as the Getty Provenance Index or Lynn Rother's group at Leuphana.

I would drop:

Propose to not include these in Linked Art 1.0 but instead document as part of a provenance extension.

Then move Auctions out to the top level, similar to Exhibitions?

azaroth42 commented 2 weeks ago

Also discuss extensions generally -- how and where and etc.

azaroth42 commented 3 days ago

A vote (from Getty and George) to leave them in, as they're in use. The documentation can manage the complexity, so just flag them in the model as being specific to detailed provenance cases, and leave it as is?

azaroth42 commented 2 days ago

Decision on 2024-06-26 to leave them in, and put notes on the complex ones about that complexity and that engagement and feedback is welcome towards future revisions.