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Development of a specification for linked data in museums, using existing ontologies and frameworks to build usable, understandable APIs
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Prevent multiple link rels in a single web page #636

Open azaroth42 opened 1 month ago

azaroth42 commented 1 month ago

Because it's stupid

beaudet commented 1 month ago


azaroth42 commented 1 month ago

There isn't an example of this in practice ... because it's stupid ... but we should prevent it from being legal (which it currently is).

e.g. at the moment you could have a page that says via link headers ( that it describes 2 objects, 3 people, a concept and 6 places. And then it becomes useless to any machine consumer, as now there's no way to know which is the "main" entity. So we should explicitly say that there should be exactly one link rel=describedBy on a page that renders a linked art record.

beaudet commented 1 month ago

Understood. It might help in testing for the condition to provide a formatted example of the invalid pattern.

azaroth42 commented 4 weeks ago

Discussed on call of 2024-06-12: no objections. More links would over-complicate things - document it must be the primary entity only.