linked-conservation-data / board-pilot-data

Processed datasets for the board reattachment pilot of the Linked Conservation Data project
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Cannot find concepts matched with any property #6

Closed natuk closed 3 years ago

natuk commented 3 years ago

I can look for local concepts which have been matched to Getty AAT concepts with this query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?bodc ?aatc ?aatclf WHERE {
  ?bodc a skos:Concept .
  ?bodc skos:exactMatch ?aatc .
  ?aatc a gvp:Concept .
  ?aatc xl:prefLabel ?aatcl .
  ?aatcl xl:literalForm ?aatclf .
  FILTER (lang(?aatclf) = "en")
} LIMIT 10

But when I tried to look for any type of match between local concept and AAT concepts, the query returns no results:

SELECT DISTINCT ?bodc ?aatc ?aatclf WHERE {
  ?bodc a skos:Concept .
  ?bodc ?p ?aatc .
  ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf* skos:mappingRelation 
  ?aatc a gvp:Concept .
  ?aatc xl:prefLabel ?aatcl .
  ?aatcl xl:literalForm ?aatclf .
  FILTER (lang(?aatclf) = "en")
} LIMIT 10

What do I do wrong?

natuk commented 3 years ago

The SKOS rdfs was not loaded. This is sorted now.