Basically, three classes are defined in this ontology: ProductionActivity, Phase and SubProcess.
ProductionActivity is a sub-class of prov:Activity. Instances of this class are intended to be larger than a GSBPM phase. If they correspond to a statistical production process they are typed using the dcterms:type property with the statisticalProductionProcess individual.
Phase and SubProcess are both sub-classes of ProductionActivity. (...)
I see multiple problems in these paragraphs:
Not only 3 classes are defined in this ontology, but more
ProductionActivity is not a (direct) subclass of prov:Activity
Instances of ProductionActivity cannot be intended to be larger than a GSBPM phase, otherwise Phase and SubProcess cannot be made subclass of it.
I see in coos.ttl:
I read in
I see multiple problems in these paragraphs: