linked-statistics / COOS

Core ontology for official statistics
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Links to the Classification of Statistical Activities #33

Closed FranckCo closed 3 years ago

FranckCo commented 3 years ago

Should we define links between COOS and the CSA (

JALinnerud commented 3 years ago

In general, should we be more proactive about using existing terms and definitions? That was a design principle for GSIM, but we relied mostly on those from work created in NSI's Should we be looking more actively at sources such as: adms Asset Description Metadata Schema dcat Data Catalog Vocabulary dct DCMI Metadata Terms foaf FOAF Vocabulary locn ISA Programme Core Location Vocabulary owl OWL Web Ontology Language rdf Resource Description Framework rdfs RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - Reference vcard vCard Ontology xkos 1.2/OWL/xkos.html An SKOS extension for representing statistical classifications xsd XML Schema

JALinnerud commented 3 years ago

Could CSA be used as a dcat:theme? For example for GSIM Subject Field as a way to group Data Sets etc?

FranckCo commented 3 years ago

dcat:theme (sub-property of dct:subject) was mentioned as a solution for the categorization of data sets by statistical domain (issue #33). The range of this property is skos:Concept, so using the CSA would require to formalize it as a SKOS concept scheme. I have some reservations about CSA, which mixes actual statistical domains (domains 1, 2 and most of 3) with about anything else. The governance of the classification is also unclear.

InKyungChoi commented 3 years ago

In response to question "Who is the owner of CSA, what is the governance? Do we have authority to offer feedback to it? → @InKyung assigned to investigate" from meeting on 25th May:

The owner of CSA is Conference of European Statistician (CES), but you can see UNECE (Secretariat of CES) as a manager. I don't know if there is any formal governance model, but it is currently being revised by a Task Team consisting of several national and international organisations. If you have any input, you are absolutely welcome to share your thoughts. I sent out an email to Supporting Standards and few others asking for inputs (7th December 2020). If you did not receive this and want me to send it to you, let me know.

FranckCo commented 3 years ago

Closing the issue for now as we don't have time to liaise with CSA custodians.