linked-statistics / DDI-controlled-vocabularies

SKOS representation of the controlled vocabularies of the DDI Alliance. See:
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Which SKOS item for the code of Genericode? #3

Closed JoachimWackerow closed 10 years ago

JoachimWackerow commented 10 years ago

from Ben's email: "skos:notation doesn't seem to be appropriate for the code of Genericode. What could be another option?"

The SKOS spec says: "A notation is a string of characters such as "T58.5" or "303.4833" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme.

A notation is different from a lexical label in that a notation is not normally recognizable as a word or sequence of words in any natural language."


In this sense skos:notation seems to be the correct item. Which issues could raise with this?

boschthomas commented 10 years ago

decision: we take skos:notation

BenZapilko commented 10 years ago

skos:notation is used.