linked-statistics / xkos

A SKOS extension for statistical classifications
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XKOS Best Practices: F.4.2 (PRODCOM / CPC --> CPA) #167

Closed ChLaaboudi closed 4 months ago

ChLaaboudi commented 1 year ago


CPC must be replaced by CPA

F.4.2 Different point of view on the same domain area (ProdCom / CPA, or HS / CN) Prodcom stands for "PRODuction COMmunautaire". This classification provides statistics on the production of manufactured goods by enterprises on the national territory of reporting countries. Prodcom . It covers mining and manufacturing: sections B and C of the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Union (NACE Rev. 2). Prodcom statistics aim to provide a comprehensive picture at EU level of the development of industrial production for a given product or sector, so that comparisons can be made between countries. The scope of ProdCom is thus different, and smaller, from the one of CPA , and there is a correspondence table to that subpart of the CPA .

Description from the PRODCOM conceptScheme:

PRODCOM is the title of the EU production statistics for Mining, Quarrying and Manufacturing that comes from the French title "PRODuction COMmunautaire" (Community production). PRODCOM headings are directly derived from NACE and the CPA. The first four digits of a PRODCOM code refer to the NACE classification, and the first six digits refer to the CPA classification. The last two digits are created specifically for PRODCOM. Most eight-digit PRODCOM codes have a complete reference to the Combined Nomenclature (CN) that means a full comparability between data from PRODCOM and data from foreign trade classified by the Combined Nomenclature.

tfrancart commented 9 months ago

I am not entirely sure we are talking about the same thing. The purpose of this paragraph in the best practices document is to indicate that PRODCOM has a different point of view than CPC. It was not to indicate that it is derived from CPC. @dzkwsk can you double check whether this paragraph about PRODCOM should refer to CPA or CPC ? Thanks

tfrancart commented 4 months ago

OK - @tfrancart to implement the change