linked-statistics / xkos

A SKOS extension for statistical classifications
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XKOS Best Practices: skos:notation - datatype and multiple notations #171

Open ChLaaboudi opened 1 year ago

ChLaaboudi commented 1 year ago

XKOS Best Practices recommends to use the datatype "xmlns:string" for . We use by default "rdf:PlainLiteral". In some cases, we had also to define additional notations and datatypes for some items reused in different context. As examples,

What would be the best practice for managing multiple notations and their datatypes?

Christine LAABOUDI-SPOIDEN (Eurostat B.1.)

tfrancart commented 1 year ago

Hello @ChLaaboudi !

Have you noted that the recommendation for using skos:notation with datatype xsd:string is for the ConceptScheme ? not for the Concepts. It is intended to capture "the short name of the classification, with no language tag.".

For example:

   a skos:ConceptScheme ;
   skos:prefLabel "International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic
   Activities (ISIC), Revision 4"@en ,
   skos:notation "ISIC4" ;

Using skos:notation with multiple datatypes on the Concepts is indeed possible, even encouraged.

BTW I see that some example in the best practices guide are using a language tag on skos:notation, which should not happen, I will file a separate issue.

ChLaaboudi commented 1 year ago

Hi @tfrancart, Indeed, what I have mentioned applies to as well as .

tfrancart commented 4 months ago

We acknowledge that SKOS proposes to use different datatypes for skos:notation. This is still valid and allowed in XKOS for classification items. We will make that explicit when we add a table of properties for skos:Concept as discussed in #179.