linked-statistics / xkos

A SKOS extension for statistical classifications
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Review response: Antoine Isaac #26

Closed wlthomas closed 9 years ago

wlthomas commented 10 years ago


Dear all,

This is a response to the call for comments on the recent DDI draft vocabularies:

First I apologise for the quite late feedback. Also, for obvious reasons (i.e., my interest for all things SKOS) I've focused my feedback only on the XKOS vocabulary, I copy the SKOS list.

First, I'd like to say it's really good to see such work happening. The statistical classifications are important, and if SKOS is not enough to capture the requirements to represent them appropriately, then something must be done!

Generally I also found the document is really good. I'm not an expert in the details of statistical classifications, but I think I understood quickly the gist of the problems and the appropriateness of the patterns to solve them ... In accordance to this positive feeling, I'm not questioning much the identified requirements. It is mostly about some of the decisions to mint new elements to tackle them, instead of re-using constructs from existing vocabularies.

I hope this will be helpful!

Best regards,

Antoine Isaac

FranckCo commented 9 years ago

Thanks for these very interesting comments, Antoine, and thanks for the references that you mention.

I have broken down the list into several issues (28 to 32) so that it is easier to address each point.

So I am closing this one.