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item entity doesn't contain always context property #6

Open guenterh opened 6 years ago

guenterh commented 6 years ago

It seems that not all context items (on the level of ElasticSearch) contain the context property.

If the property isn't available it sho uldn't be possible to parse the subjects in question with RDF parsers


"_index": "lsb_20170718",
"_type": "item",
"_id": "IDSBB-76d120ae-3b85-32d6-a518-1902b6a68f90",
"_score": 1.0,
"_source": {
    "bf:subLocation": "Volltext nur im Uninetz zugänglich. Link siehe unter 'Online'",
    "@id": "",
    "bf:holdingFor": "",
    "foaf:page": "",
    "bibo:owner": ""

}, {

"_index": "lsb_20170718",
"_type": "item",
"_id": "IDSBB-41b9ca7e-91e5-302b-9df7-4ecc9e16aa73",
"_score": 1.0,
"_source": {
    "@type": "",
    "@context": "",
    "bf:subLocation": "Volltext nur im Uninetz zugänglich. Link siehe unter 'Online'",
    "@id": "",
    "bf:holdingFor": "",
    "foaf:page": "",
    "bibo:owner": ""
