linked-usdl / usdl-core

Linked USDL core is a the foundation module for the Linked USDL family of vocabularies. It basically covers four essential aspects: i)service descriptions, ii) service offerings descriptions, iii) business entities involvement, and iv) service delivery communication channels and interaction points.
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usdl-price:isLinkedTo -> usdl-core:hasFeature #34

Open jorge-cardoso opened 11 years ago

jorge-cardoso commented 11 years ago

The Amazon EC2 example modeled by SAP/KA uses the concept price:isLinkedTo to express that a price:PriceComponent is associated with a specific feature set of a service. For example,

:priceComponent_SugarCRM_Professional_General a price:PriceComponent ; dcterms:title "General price"@en ; dcterms:description "Fee for general usage of the instance."@en ; price:isLinkedTo crm:Sales_Force_Automation , crm:Marketing_Automation , crm:Support_Automation , ...

The above lines express that the SugarCRM_Professional_General price:PriceComponent comes with the features crm:Sales_Force_Automation, crm:Marketing_Automation, crm:Support_Automation, and ...

But shouldn't the description of services's features be presented in usdl-core and not in the price module since they are relate to the service itself? Currently, usdl-core captures mainly roles, interactions, and interfaces. Maybe usdl-core would be the right place to also describe other aspect, such as, the features of the service.Afterwards, a PriceComponent could refer to which features are offered for a specific plan.

It would become simply:

usdl-core:hasFeature a rdf:Property; rdfs:isDefinedBy; rdfs:label "A feature of a service"; rdfs:comment "Feature indicate a feature of a service such as customer support, automated backup, express delivery, etc."; rdfs:domain usdl-core:Service .

The concept price:isLinkedTo will still be needed. But with the proposed change, isLinkedTo will refer to a feature of the service.

cpedrinaci commented 11 years ago

I think that this issue hides others within. There are two main aspects here I believe:

I would argue that the example above is more about an actual Offering and how it is linked to other Services.

We will come back to this issue with concrete examples and suggestions on how to capture this