linkeddata / dokieli

:bulb: dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions
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Consider or use SHACL for inbox notifications #105

Open csarven opened 8 years ago

csarven commented 8 years ago

Use the SHACL vocabulary to define what to expect from notifications and what they point to e.g., annotations.

There can be a SHACL for annotations (e.g., text quote selector) out of the box, but anything beyond that will probably need a decent UI for authorized roles so that they can set those requirements. This can get quite complicated, so it should probably have its own issue in the future.

csarven commented 1 month ago

dokieli may be able to discover a resource's constraints and try to conform or it could possibly set some constraints for a container but this is fully baked in web standards (AFAIK). Postponing or now.