linkeddata / dokieli

:bulb: dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions
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Contextual search and using the results #372

Open csarven opened 7 months ago

csarven commented 7 months ago

User wants to find information from their storage/outbox based on their input, which may be text search (as part of their research while authoring) or a text selection in the current document. The user can than select an action applicable based on the type of resource that matches their search.

There is a related feature in place: the "Activities" feature (available from the dokieli menu) checks annotations/activities that the user or their contacts have made with respect to the document (or fragment) that's being viewed, and displays them in the context of the information. Some details are explained in (which should perhaps be covered in dokieli's docs).

These are based on rough processing of resources in a container/collection. Alternatively, a SPARQL endpoint could be used based on a specified discovery mechanism.