linkeddata / dokieli

:bulb: dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions
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Keyboard shortcuts #55

Open rhiaro opened 8 years ago

rhiaro commented 8 years ago

Make keyboard shortcuts for everything on the right side menu, under Do in particular.

csarven commented 8 years ago

+0 . As long as there are no obvious conflicts with native keyboard shortcuts. Overriding the existing keyboard shortcuts is not good for accessibility. Perhaps an option to "enable alternative keyboard shortcuts" which may or may not override the defaults. At least the user is aware of what's coming. Lets see what the state of the art is on this.

megoth commented 4 years ago

I would suggest providing a shortcut for at least Save, e.g. CMD+S on Mac. This will override the default functionality of saving in the browser, but this is common pattern in many editors.

I at least find myself clicking CMD+S periodically because that's what I'm used to other editors.