linkeddata / dokieli

:bulb: dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions
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Improve the UX for selecting/reusing the base URL to save documents #78

Open csarven opened 8 years ago

csarven commented 8 years ago introduces the feature in which the user can select the base URL of the document in which they are creating a new document or save as.

To improve the UX: we don't really want to bother the user with this sort of stuff, but it might be necessary to give them the option for it. By default, it can be the absolute base URL of the current document. It can use the application preference file (see issue #77 ), and perhaps move the whole selection to a configuration panel to the menu.

dmitrizagidulin commented 8 years ago

Just tried using the UI for the first time, and also had a question about this part. (Specifically about what the label "Location of media resources" meant.

What if, depending on the selection ("Use current" / "Copy to your storage" / etc), we added a paragraph of help text right below. Something like:

"Copy to your storage" would display below it: "Will copy the style sheets and embedded app code needed to render this document to the location of your choice."


csarven commented 8 years ago

Thanks @dmitrizagidulin . If you'd like to propose a short(er) sentence for each select option, happy to integrate them.

Note that, the selection does not do a deep copy, i.e., it doesn't copy all dependencies within dependencies (e.g., CSS files may import font-faces, or use background-images - lets say that this is a bug which needs to be dealt with at some point), however, it will copy all references made inside the article via href, data, src, which naturally includes whatever media (e.g., images, video). So, this is not solely about the references inside <head> (typically scripts and stylesheets) but applies to the whole document.

Note: issue #99 will try to clarify the purpose of the first option: base-url-dokieli, so might want to phrase it in those terms.

csarven commented 8 years ago

Also open to rephrasing "Location of media resources" if that can capture what I've mentioned above with scripts, stylesheets, and media files in general.

rektide commented 7 years ago

Perhaps a saved in the Preferences Workspace (