linkeddata / rdflib.js

Linked Data API for JavaScript
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boolean value from store being changed in jsonLD serialization #619

Open MuhammadShafaatKhan13 opened 1 year ago

MuhammadShafaatKhan13 commented 1 year ago

my store is: { "termType": "Graph", "classOrder": 4, "value": "", "statements": [{ "subject": { "termType": "BlankNode", "classOrder": 6, "value": "n0", "isBlank": 1, "isVar": 1 }, "predicate": { "termType": "NamedNode", "classOrder": 5, "value": "" }, "object": { "termType": "Literal", "classOrder": 1, "value": "true", "datatype": { "termType": "NamedNode", "classOrder": 5, "value": "" }, "isVar": 0, "language": "" }, "graph": { "termType": "NamedNode", "classOrder": 5, "value": "http://graph-species-obs-for-entry-0-of-bird_survey_observation-number-0" } }], "constraints": [], "initBindings": [], "optional": [], "isVar": 0, "rdfFactory": { "supports": { "COLLECTIONS": true, "DEFAULT_GRAPH_TYPE": false, "EQUALS_METHOD": true, "IDENTITY": false, "ID": true, "REVERSIBLE_ID": false, "VARIABLE_TYPE": true } }, "namespaces": {}, "classActions": {}, "propertyActions": { "<>": [null] }, "redirections": [], "aliases": [], "HTTPRedirects": [], "subjectIndex": [], "predicateIndex": [], "objectIndex": [], "whyIndex": [], "index": [ [], [], [], [] ], "features": [] }

But through $rdf.serialize(null, testStore2, null, 'application/ld+json') I am getting following jsonLD object which has hasSimpleValue as false, where as store has it as true.

JSON-LD object: { "@context": { "tern": "" }, "tern:hasSimpleValue": false }

bourgeoa commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting Can you give some more information :

MuhammadShafaatKhan13 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for responding.

rdflib version is 2.2.32, node version is 19.9.0

Below is the code for creating the store and getting jsonld object from it.

var testStore2 = $rdf.graph()
let playBackUsedBnode = $rdf.blankNode()
testStore2.add(playBackUsedBnode, $rdf.sym(''), $rdf.lit(true, '', ''))
 $rdf.serialize(null, testStore2, null, 'application/ld+json')
bourgeoa commented 1 year ago

This is not a jsonld issues. Samething arise with text/turtle.

There are already some issues related to boolean value issues. Apparently the only way to get true is to set the value to 1

bourgeoa commented 1 year ago