linkeddata / rdflib.js

Linked Data API for JavaScript
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Parsing error on prefix:N.N syntax #647

Open paulwilton opened 1 month ago

paulwilton commented 1 month ago

I noticed this turtle/N3 syntax fails to parse

@prefix myprefix: <> .
<> myprefix:version myprefix:1.18 .

with error: "Bad syntax: EOF found in middle of path syntax" this syntax is used in many open source / public domain ontologies for describing ontology / definition versions

if the value of the statement is fully qualified <> myprefix:version <> . it parses ok, it is the prefix / qname style syntax that throws the parsing error

bourgeoa commented 1 month ago

Yes this is is a known issue

bourgeoa commented 1 month ago

If anyone wants to look at the issue that would be wonderfull