linkedhumanities / lode

Linked Open Data Enhancer
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Nicer Link-Delete Interface #59

Closed jnoessner closed 11 years ago

jnoessner commented 11 years ago

For link deletion, the interface is a little bit unintuitive and 'not so pretty'. Is it possible to just have a popup like the one when we establish a link in the linker interface?

After deletion of the link I am not redirected to the page, where I have been before.

jakob0910 commented 11 years ago

Now, the delete page can only be accessed from the "show entity" page. The user gets redirected to this page in any case. This was not possible before as there was also a direct link from the content explorer to this page.

In my opinion, this interface is nice enough for now. We can change it later when more important tasks are finished.