linkedin / detext

DeText: A Deep Neural Text Understanding Framework for Ranking and Classification Tasks
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1.26k stars 133 forks source link

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'feature_names' #69

Open nirmal2k opened 2 years ago

nirmal2k commented 2 years ago

I am trying to run query autocomplete. Unable to run the line

args = DetextArg(ftr_ext="cnn", num_filters=50, num_units=64, emb_sim_func=["inner"], # cosine matching function ltr_loss_fn="softmax", # learning-to-rank loss optimizer="bert_adam", # same AdamWeightDecay optimizer as in BERT training learning_rate=0.002, max_len=16, min_len=3, use_deep=True, num_train_steps=300, steps_per_stats=30, steps_per_eval=30, train_batch_size=64, test_batch_size=64, pmetric="mrr@5", vocab_file=vocab_file, feature_names=["label","usr_prefix","doc_suffix"], train_file="train.tfrecord", dev_file="dev.tfrecord", test_file="test.tfrecord", out_dir="output")

alimahdavihormat commented 2 years ago

It's because of The Version of DeText