linkedin / dr-elephant

Dr. Elephant is a job and flow-level performance monitoring and tuning tool for Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark
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How and where to change the spark history server port number in dr-elephant #686

Open selvamraman opened 4 years ago

selvamraman commented 4 years ago

Spark 2.4.4 version emr release 5.29

Due to some constraint, i can not use port number 18080 for spark history server. Spark history server points to other than 18080(example: 18480).

I am getting below error message in dr-elephant log.

04-29-2020 05:31:54 ERROR [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-29] com.linkedin.drelephant.spark.fetchers.SparkRestClient : error reading applicationInfo http://master-dns-name:18080/api/v1/applications/application_1588136450759_0001. Exception Message = connect timed out

I have followed this guide to install dr.elephant in EMR-

ShubhamGupta29 commented 4 years ago

Hi @selvamraman, You can make these changes to the config named spark.yarn.historyServer.address that is generally present in the spark-defaults.conf file of the conf folder of Spark.

@selvamraman if possible can you provide some insight regarding your usage of Dr.Elephant, like

This information would be helpful for us in providing a resolution to your issues.

selvamraman commented 4 years ago


AWS EMR Cluster details: Release label:emr-5.29.0 Hadoop distribution:Amazon 2.8.5 Applications:Spark 2.4.4, Hive 2.3.6


ShubhamGupta29 commented 4 years ago

@selvamraman hope the reply resolved your issue, if so then can I close this issue?

selvamraman commented 4 years ago

@ShubhamGupta29 Thanks for the help. i have changed the port number in the conf and now dr.elephant try to fetch the information from 18480. But, still i am facing the problem

05-05-2020 19:30:53 ERROR [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5] com.linkedin.drelephant.spark.fetchers.SparkRestClient : error reading applicationInfo http://dns_name:18480/api/v1/applications/application_1588700272512_0001. Exception Message = Unexpected end of file from server

The spark history server address is not listening http and it is https - https://dns_name:18480/api/v1/applications/application_1588700272512_0001.

how to include https for history server in the config? is it something i can change in the spark-defaults.conf spark.yarn.historyServer.address=https://dns-name:18480

Also, what are the environment variable do i need to setup before start the EMR? 1) spark conf 2) spark home etc

ShubhamGupta29 commented 4 years ago

Hi @selvamramam, For using HTTPS, if your spark.yarn.historyServer.address has HTTP then change that to HTTPS and you also need to make some changes to the Dr.Elephant's SparkRestClient.scala class. There is an else condition in the calculation for an attribute named historyServerUri.

Environment Variable needed before setup:

selvamraman commented 4 years ago

I will let you know the final result. Thanks you so much @ShubhamGupta29 your prompt response.

ProbShin commented 4 years ago

Normally, the Hadoop https address and its port number are predefined in Hadoop config. So, for your Dr.Elephant, Just modify Fetchers source code to grab the correct config name, and let it use https head (if SSL is enabled) would be good.

I am having a similar issue. My cluster only uses an SSL connection for some reason. And my Hadoop's config set the jobhistory.http.policy to be HTTPS_ONLY. So, I had to manually modify the source code. For example, for my Tez fetchers, I replace TIMELINE_SERVER_URL to uses "yarn.timeline-service.webapp.https.address" instead of "yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address", and I modified URLFactory(String hserverAddr) to using the "https" head.


However, in rare cases, if you got some errors like this when starting. No name matching found.

highly likely, It is caused by the incorrect authentication setting on the cluster. Fixing the incorrect setting is recommended, well,..., for simple test purpose you can also try add

static {
        public boolean verify(String |hostname|,
       sslSession) {
            if (hostname.equals("mytargethostname")) {
                return true;
            return false;

To temporarily workaround the issue. check here for details