linkedin / eyeglass

NPM Modules for Sass
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Update typings for node-sass, broccoli-eyeglass, ember-cli-eyeglass, switch to yarn, update linter infrastructure. #204

Closed chriseppstein closed 5 years ago

chriseppstein commented 5 years ago

This PR addresses the typings for node-sass which are still local, but have been submitted to the DefinitelyTyped repo and also properly converts broccoli-eyeglass to Typescript. Also addressed in this PR is an issue with the eyeglass typings for the project's main export (which is a class that is also a function that returns something other than a new instance when invoked without new).

chriseppstein commented 5 years ago

Note: The broccoli-eyeglass and ember-cli-eyeglass builds on master are currently passing because broccoli isn't using the version of eyeglass that came from the monorepo 😭 This PR makes broccoli-and ember-cli builds correctly use the monorepo version (thanks to lerna-yarn working better than lerna-npm.)

chriseppstein commented 5 years ago

This PR switches to yarn to install npm modules and drops a dependency on eyeglass-dev-site-builder (for now) which dropped a transitive dependency on a really old version of node-sass. I've also stopped running our coverage reports in travis. Thanks to these changes our travis build now runs in 5 min instead of 30+ minutes.