linkedin / eyeglass

NPM Modules for Sass
741 stars 60 forks source link

Sitemap / IA #95

Open eoneill opened 8 years ago

eoneill commented 8 years ago

Start thinking about what content we're trying to capture and how best to express it to users.


Homepage (landing / upsell)
├─┬ Getting Started
│ ├── Getting started / installing Eyeglass
│ ├── Why Eyeglass
│ ├── Options
│ └── How Eyeglass works
├─┬ Eyeglass Modules
│ ├── What is an Eyeglass module
│ ├─┬ Authoring an Eyeglass module
│ │ ├── Exporting Sass (mixins, variables, partials, etc)
│ │ ├── Exporting custom Javascript functions
│ │ ├── Creating a new module with Yeoman generator
│ │ └── Converting an existing project to an Eyeglass module
│ └── Installing an Eyeglass module
├── Working with assets in Eyeglass
├─┬ Integration
│ ├── Pure node-sass
│ ├── With gulp.js
│ ├── With Grunt
│ ├── With Broccoli.js
│ └── With Ember CLI
├─┬ Troubleshooting
│ ├── Errors / warnings
│ ├── Debugging
│ └── Common issues

/cc @chriseppstein @xiwcx @una

una commented 8 years ago
eyeglass site - 1

Little site sketch