linkedin / isolation-forest

A Spark/Scala implementation of the isolation forest unsupervised outlier detection algorithm with support for exporting in ONNX format.
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Updated Travis CI config to use multiple stages for CI/CD. #18

Closed jverbus closed 4 years ago

jverbus commented 4 years ago

Using Travis stages in this way ensures that all build versions are successful before we publish any artifacts. This is in contrast to the previous version where it was possible, but unlikely, for a new version to be published for the baseline dependencies (Spark 2.3.0 and Scala 2.11.8), even if another build using different Spark/Scala versions failed.

New build pipeline using Travis stages

The first "test" stage runs all build variations in parallel to ensure they succeed.

The second "release" stage runs the Shipkit ciPerformRelease command. This uploads the new baseline (Spark 2.3.0 and Scala 2.11.8) artifact to JCenter, pushes another commit to the GitHub repo adding version documentation, bumps the version in the file, and creates a git tag with the version number.

Other minor changes

I updated the .gitignore and deleted some old build files that accidentally got committed in the past.