This release includes following backward incompatible changes:
Upgrade Avro dependency to 1.9.2. Remove Avro adapters for Avro 1.4/1.6 and related module.
Fix build-time validation of Action methods that return custom typerefs (e.g. CustomLong) yet don't indicate the
corresponding typeref class (e.g. CustomLongRef.class) in the @Action annotation.
Clearly state that the returnTyperef annotation element is required for custom tyeprefs.
Catch previously-unhandled reflection exception for ActionResult-wrapped return types (e.g. ActionResult<CustomLong>).
Remove methods ResourceContext#shouldReturnEntity and ResourceContextImpl#shouldReturnEntity,
which have been deprecated since version 27.2.0.
Update Gradle version compatibility in the pegasus Gradle plugin.
Minimum required Gradle version is now 5.2.1
Minimum suggested Gradle version is now 5.3
Delete the mainCopyPdscSchemas Gradle task. mainCopySchemas is the replacement.
Delete the mainDestroyStaleSchemas Gradle task. mainCopySchemas is the replacement.
Remove unused configurations "dataTemplateGenerator", "restTools", and "avroSchemaGenerator".
This release includes following backward incompatible changes:
) yet don't indicate the corresponding typeref class (e.g.CustomLongRef.class
) in the@Action
annotation element is required for custom tyeprefs.ActionResult
-wrapped return types (e.g.ActionResult<CustomLong>
, which have been deprecated since version27.2.0
Gradle plugin.5.2.1