When you have a poly-hierarchical skos:ConceptScheme (i.e. a concept can have more than 1 broader concept), then it seems that the Concept visualizer duplicates the hierarchy's branches for each concept with multiple broader concepts. For example, I have a poly-hierarchical code list of pension kinds, which is visualized in this way:
For instance, in this concept scheme "Vdovské důchody vyplácené v souběhu s přímým důchodem" has multiple broader concepts, so its branch is duplicated.
Since poly-hierarchical concept schemes cannot be coerced into a tree with single root, it is not possible to visualize them easily. I think it would be acceptable if LP-VIS shows an error if provided with a poly-hierarchical skos:ConceptScheme.
Testing if data contains polyhierarchies can be done using this SPARQL query:
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
SELECT ?narrower
?broader skos:narrower|skos:narrowerTransitive ?narrower .
?narrower skos:broader|skos:broaderTransitive ?broader .
GROUP BY ?narrower
When you have a poly-hierarchical
(i.e. a concept can have more than 1 broader concept), then it seems that the Concept visualizer duplicates the hierarchy's branches for each concept with multiple broader concepts. For example, I have a poly-hierarchical code list of pension kinds, which is visualized in this way:For instance, in this concept scheme "Vdovské důchody vyplácené v souběhu s přímým důchodem" has multiple broader concepts, so its branch is duplicated.
Since poly-hierarchical concept schemes cannot be coerced into a tree with single root, it is not possible to visualize them easily. I think it would be acceptable if LP-VIS shows an error if provided with a poly-hierarchical
.Testing if data contains polyhierarchies can be done using this SPARQL query: