linkedtales / scrapedin

LinkedIn Scraper (currently working 2020)
Apache License 2.0
597 stars 174 forks source link

Error: linkedin : profile not found #59

Open cyanide2019 opened 5 years ago

cyanide2019 commented 5 years ago

I upgraded to recruiter account and I input the profile link , but I got this error on crawling profile message . since the link under recruiter account search looks longer than the normal profile links ,,VFKE,CAP?searchController=smartSearch&searchId=2047071505&total=215768&searchCacheKey=5c443134-3b67-41d1-a2f8-432927baafb0%2CNIlV&searchRequestId=88512f30-2445-45bc-b4d6-efd08af5f746%2CQBJL&searchSessionId=2047071505&origin=GHDS&memberAuth=509045058%2CVFKE%2CCAP

not sure someone else have this issue before ?

cyanide2019 commented 5 years ago

the same profile , if under normal account mode of view , the link will be changed to and the scraper works for this link .and got the json result , so it seems under recruiter mode of profile view , the scraper can not work

leonardiwagner commented 5 years ago

so it seems under recruiter mode of profile view , the scraper can not work

That's a possible reason. Since I don't have a recruiter account I can't reproduce and I'm not able to do such a feature by myself, though it's totally open to receive such contribution.

My current advice is to use a regular account.