The query below displays all chapters, with their titles and who has generated this chapter for the _Tussen Kunst - 200 program_ (Gold Watch by Breguet, Graphic Design Museum episode).
SELECT ?mediaFragment ?chapter ?label ?prov
?mediaFragment ma:isFragmentOf <> .
?mediaFragment a ma:MediaFragment .
?annotation a oa:Annotation .
?annotation oa:hasTarget ?mediaFragment .
?annotation oa:hasBody ?chapter .
?annotation prov:wasAttributedTo ?prov .
?chapter a linkedtv:Chapter .
?chapter rdfs:label ?label .
@jblom You see the problem? You SHOULD NOT generate a new UUID for each media fragment corresponding to a chapter. The idea is that those identifiers are the UUID of the media resource + '#' + temporal start + ',' + temporal end
The query below displays all chapters, with their titles and who has generated this chapter for the _Tussen Kunst - 200 program_ (Gold Watch by Breguet, Graphic Design Museum episode).
The results are here
@jblom You see the problem? You SHOULD NOT generate a new UUID for each media fragment corresponding to a chapter. The idea is that those identifiers are the UUID of the media resource + '#' + temporal start + ',' + temporal end