Proxy injection process works by adding a enabled annotation to pod template / namespace. This triggers an admission webhook that injects the linkerd-proxy container to the targeted deployments. This test can be broken down into the following steps
Use the emojivoto test spec to pull up the emojivoto manifests, spin up the emojivoto deployments, and ensure that they're in a working state
Run linkerd inject against the workloads and gather the generated manifests
Verify if the injected manifests match with the pre-defined golden files
create new injected resources and check for Running state
Verify the existence of the linkerd-proxy container
View test description
Proxy injection process works by adding a enabled
annotation to pod template / namespace. This triggers an admission webhook that injects thelinkerd-proxy
container to the targeted deployments. This test can be broken down into the following stepslinkerd inject
against the workloads and gather the generated manifestsRunning