linkerd / linkerd2

Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. Main repo for Linkerd 2.x.
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HTTPRoute intermittently fails to distribute traffic #12609

Closed Sierra1011 closed 1 month ago

Sierra1011 commented 1 month ago

What is the issue?

When using an httproute to dynamically redistribute load from one Service to a MultiCluster mirrored Service, traffic only intermittently transmits correctly.

How can it be reproduced?

Logs, error output, etc

Application curl logs:

❯ kubectl exec -it busybox-5cd4968444-zn549 -- wget http://APP.APP.svc.cluster.local/ping -O -
Defaulted container "main" out of: main, linkerd-init (init), linkerd-proxy (init)
Connecting to APP.APP.svc.cluster.local (IPADDR:80)
writing to stdout
written to stdout

☸ non-prod
❯ kubectl exec -it busybox-5cd4968444-zn549 -- wget http://APP.APP.svc.cluster.local/ping -O -
Defaulted container "main" out of: main, linkerd-init (init), linkerd-proxy (init)
Connecting to APP.APP.svc.cluster.local (IPADDR:80)
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout
command terminated with exit code 1

Proxy sidecar:

[   853.183882s]  INFO ThreadId(01) outbound:proxy{addr=}:service{ns=APP name=APP port=80}: linkerd_proxy_api_resolve::resolve: No endpoints
[   856.184109s]  INFO ThreadId(01) outbound:proxy{addr=}:service{ns=APP name=APP port=80}: linkerd_proxy_balance_queue::worker: Unavailable; entering failfast timeout=3.0
[   856.184575s]  INFO ThreadId(01) outbound:proxy{addr=}:rescue{client.addr=}: linkerd_app_core::errors::respond: HTTP/1.1 request failed error=logical service route default.http: backend Service.APP.APP:80: Service.APP.APP:80: service in fail-fast error.sources=[route default.http: backend Service.APP.APP:80: Service.APP.APP:80: service in fail-fast, backend Service.APP.APP:80: Service.APP.APP:80: service in fail-fast, Service.APP.APP:80: service in fail-fast, service in fail-fast]

output of linkerd check -o short

❯ linkerd check -o short
‼ cli is up-to-date
    is running version 24.3.2 but the latest edge version is 24.5.3
    see for hints

‼ control plane is up-to-date
    is running version 24.5.1 but the latest edge version is 24.5.3
    see for hints
‼ control plane and cli versions match
    control plane running edge-24.5.1 but cli running edge-24.3.2
    see for hints

‼ control plane proxies are up-to-date
    some proxies are not running the current version:
        * linkerd-destination-888c96b5b-7pwmc (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-destination-888c96b5b-hl54h (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-destination-888c96b5b-vn62f (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-identity-56bbfdc7b6-2cfhj (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-identity-56bbfdc7b6-f9bvq (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-identity-56bbfdc7b6-h67sk (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-proxy-injector-68c6b7bc6-5vxm6 (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-proxy-injector-68c6b7bc6-hgmks (edge-24.5.1)
        * linkerd-proxy-injector-68c6b7bc6-l45wh (edge-24.5.1)
    see for hints
‼ control plane proxies and cli versions match
    linkerd-destination-888c96b5b-7pwmc running edge-24.5.1 but cli running edge-24.3.2
    see for hints

‼ jaeger extension proxies are up-to-date
    some proxies are not running the current version:
        * collector-7db4655-sdwth (edge-24.5.1)
        * jaeger-5c4c9ff587-5c729 (edge-24.5.1)
        * jaeger-injector-6cb867b4f8-5mhnd (edge-24.5.1)
    see for hints
‼ jaeger extension proxies and cli versions match
    collector-7db4655-sdwth running edge-24.5.1 but cli running edge-24.3.2
    see for hints

‼ viz extension proxies are up-to-date
    some proxies are not running the current version:
        * metrics-api-db8857cf8-mfw6c (edge-24.5.1)
        * metrics-api-db8857cf8-p59sg (edge-24.5.1)
        * metrics-api-db8857cf8-wxm87 (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-6d6cf4c465-2rzj8 (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-6d6cf4c465-8bshr (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-6d6cf4c465-bg6sd (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-injector-66c6f694f4-7rwx4 (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-injector-66c6f694f4-9hjpw (edge-24.5.1)
        * tap-injector-66c6f694f4-vqw6r (edge-24.5.1)
        * web-56d54f864d-82jcp (edge-24.5.1)
        * web-56d54f864d-j4vbv (edge-24.5.1)
    see for hints
‼ viz extension proxies and cli versions match
    metrics-api-db8857cf8-mfw6c running edge-24.5.1 but cli running edge-24.3.2
    see for hints

Status check results are √


Possible solution

No response

Additional context

No response

Would you like to work on fixing this bug?


olix0r commented 1 month ago

Folding this into #12610

adleong commented 1 month ago

Hi @Sierra1011. That error log from the proxy indicated that it doesn't have any endpoints in the Service.APP.APP:80 backend service to route to. Can you confirm that the service exists and that it has endpoints? You can use kubectl get service and kubectl get endpoints to confirm this. You can also use the linkerd diagnostics endpoints command to see Linkerd's view of what endpoints the service has, if any.

Sierra1011 commented 1 month ago

Hi @adleong, I'll set up a test similar to as described in #12610 to troubleshoot it exactly, hopefully today if nothing is on fire :crossed_fingers:

Sierra1011 commented 1 month ago

So, I deployed a full stack of emojivoto (emoji, voting, vote-bot, web) in cluster 1, and a deployment of emoji to cluster 2, with a service mirrored to cluster 1. You're right; there's no endpoints shown for the mirrored emoji service, and if I scale down the original emoji deployment, no endpoints shown at all.

Playing around running curl to emoji while running linkerd viz tap on the respective deployments showed that it was at least hitting the relevant deployments.

So, that seems to be working fine, but I'm not in a position to go back and reimplementing our app as it was when I raised this as an issue (having received a ton of 5xx errors), but I'll try it elsewhere and come back with some more info.

Sierra1011 commented 1 month ago

OK, so it's been a fairly slow chase down on this I'm afraid.

So, I'm going to talk in real terms rather than the emojivoto service I'm deploying for funsies. I have some deployments with services on one cluster; let's call them monolith and legacy-assets and they live in the monolith namespace. monolith depends on legacy-assets being reachable in order to start up. I'm migrating the deployment of services from one cluster to a new cluster which is called eks-non-prod-primary. Standard A to B stuff.

My intention is to use pod-to-pod multicluster from Linkerd and HTTPRoutes to avoid changing config in the actual app; I can just create the HTTPRoute and dynamically move traffic from the in-cluster service to the new cluster.

So I deploy legacy-assets to the new cluster. It's got remote-discovery enabled, so it creates a Service called legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary in the monolith namespace. I make my HTTPRoute:

kind: HTTPRoute
  name: legacy-assets
  namespace: monolith
  - group: core
    kind: Service
    name: legacy-assets
    port: 80
  - backendRefs:
    - group: ""
      kind: Service
      name: legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary
      port: 80
      weight: 100
    - group: ""
      kind: Service
      name: legacy-assets
      port: 80
      weight: 0
    - path:
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /

What should happen is all traffic goes to the other cluster. But what actually happens is I get HTTP 500 responses.

I got this from the linkerd-proxy container (adding line breaks for legibility purposes):

HTTP/1.1 request failed error=logical service 
route HTTPRoute.monolith.legacy-assets: backend 
HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: 
Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary 
error.sources=[route HTTPRoute.monolith.legacy-assets: 
backend HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: 
Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary, backend 
HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: 
Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary, 
HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: 
Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary]

(and in one line to preserve the full error from logs)

outbound:proxy{addr=}:rescue{client.addr=}: linkerd_app_core::errors::respond: HTTP/1.1 request failed error=logical service route HTTPRoute.monolith.legacy-assets: backend HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary error.sources=[route HTTPRoute.monolith.legacy-assets: backend HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary, backend HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary, HTTP request configured to fail with 500 Internal Server Error: Service not found legacy-assets-eks-non-prod-primary]

The only thing I really have to go on is that we don't have nativeSidecar enabled on these old clusters, and the new ones do. As the pod starts, the container is immediately querying the service, but if the proxy isn't ready it fails with generic networking issues.

Any suggestions to get more info out of it?

Sierra1011 commented 1 month ago

Alright, I'll hold my hands up here and say there may be a big old "but" here - I upgraded to 24.5.5 a few days ago and saw that it made its way to the top environment without issue. However, it actually got stuck on that particular cluster.

Having fixed it so we're running a later version of edge (I saw in #12610 a fix mentioned) we now are no longer seeing this error. Please ignore me while I continue testing this on the actual latest version - if I have any issues I'll come back to it.