linkerd / linkerd2

Ultralight, security-first service mesh for Kubernetes. Main repo for Linkerd 2.x.
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feat(helm): default proxy-init resource requests to proxy values #12741

Closed mateiidavid closed 3 months ago

mateiidavid commented 3 months ago

Default values for linkerd-init (resources allocated) are not always the right fit. We offer default values to ensure proxy-init does not get in the way of QOS Guaranteed (linkerd-init resource limits and requests cannot be configured in any other way).

Instead of using default values that can be overridden, we can re-use the proxy's configuration values. For the pod to be QOS Guaranteed, the values for the proxy have to be set any way. If we re-use the same values for proxy-init we can ensure we'll always request the same amount of CPU and memory as needed.


Closes #11320

Notes to reviewers:

You can test by building and then installing Linkerd:

$ bin/docker-build
$ bin/image-load --k3d

Test cases

  1. Installing with overrides for control plane:
:; bin/linkerd install \
       --set proxyInit.resources.cpu.limit="50m" \
       --set proxyInit.resources.memory.request="50" \
       --set destinationProxyResources.cpu.limit="100m" \
       --set identityProxyResources.memory.request="200" \
       > tmp.yaml
       | k apply -f - 

We expect to see:

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-destination-869896d648-bhr6d -o yaml | yq '.spec.initContainers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-init" ).resources'
  cpu: 100m
  cpu: 100m

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-destination-869896d648-bhr6d -o yaml | yq '.spec.containers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-proxy" ).resources'
  cpu: 100m
  cpu: 100m

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-identity-595d6c685d-m2jtj -o yaml | yq '.spec.containers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-proxy" ).resources'
  memory: "200"

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-identity-595d6c685d-m2jtj -o yaml | yq '.spec.initContainers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-init" ).resources'
  memory: "200"

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-proxy-injector-77bd946cbc-sv2sb -o yaml | yq '.spec.initContainers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-init" ).resources'

:; k get po -n linkerd linkerd-proxy-injector-77bd946cbc-sv2sb -o yaml | yq '.spec.containers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-proxy" ).resources'

Now, if we update and set proxy resources we should see other deployments inherit it:

:; bin/linkerd upgrade --set proxy.resources.cpu.limit='10m' | k apply -f -

We expect:

:; kgp
NAME                    READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-cbdccf466-fr2q4   1/1     Running    0          15s
nginx-d66c79585-nzt7b   0/2     Init:0/1   0          3s

:; k get po nginx-d66c79585-nzt7b -o yaml | yq '.spec.initContainers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-init" ).resources'
  cpu: 10m
  cpu: 10m

:; k get po nginx-d66c79585-nzt7b -o yaml | yq '.spec.containers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-proxy" ).resources'
  cpu: 10m
  cpu: 10m

And finally, we can override this with an annotation. We expect to see:

:; k annotate ns default
namespace/default annotated

:; k rollout restart deploy
deployment.apps/nginx restarted

:; kgp
NAME                     READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-d66c79585-nzt7b    2/2     Running    0          88s
nginx-86bd875544-fhjjw   0/2     Init:0/1   0          2s

:; kgp nginx-86bd875544-fhjjw -o yaml |  yq '.spec.initContainers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-init" ).resources'
  cpu: 30m
  cpu: 30m

:; k get po nginx-86bd875544-fhjjw -o yaml |  yq '.spec.containers[] | select ( .name == "linkerd-proxy" ).resources'
  cpu: 30m
  cpu: 30m