linkml / linkml-owl

Extension of LinkML runtime for converting instances of LinkML classes to OWL (classes or instances)
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setting output flag for `linkml-data2owl` to a .ttl still yields a .ofn format #25

Closed capsulecorplab closed 1 year ago

capsulecorplab commented 1 year ago

Usage documentation as per

linkml-data2owl -s my_schema.yaml my_data.{yaml,json,tsv,rdf} -o my_ontology.owl.ttl

still generates a file with .ofn syntax, as opposed to turtle syntax

capsulecorplab commented 1 year ago

My guess is that the documentation just has a typo and it meant to my_ontology.owl.ofn as opposed to my_ontology.owl.ttl, as the help text from linkml-data2owl doesn't seem to suggest it supports converting to turtle

nlharris commented 1 year ago

that sounds plausible