linkml / linkml-owl

Extension of LinkML runtime for converting instances of LinkML classes to OWL (classes or instances)
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owl to linkml #30

Closed joylix closed 1 year ago

joylix commented 1 year ago

Can owl or rdf files be converted to linkml files, and how?

turbomam commented 1 year ago

I assume you're asking about converting an OWL representation of a schema to a LinkML schema. (LinkML also provides tools for converting an RDF dataset into other formats, as long as the input dataset is valid against a LinkML schema.)

You can convert an OWL schema/ontology into LinkML with the schemauto import-owl command from the schema-automator repo. It requires the OWL input to be in the functional syntax. We recommend using ROBOT if you need to convert to functional syntax, but there are other options.

robot convert -i schemaorg.ttl -o schemaorg.ofn
schemauto import-owl schemaorg.ofn
turbomam commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure how closely this repo's issue tracker is monitored. For most of our repos, we suggest creating issues in linkml/linkml

joylix commented 1 year ago

Thank you turbomam. I'll try it the way you say.