linksmart / grafana-sensorthings-datasource

Grafana plugin for OGC SensorThings API. Moved to
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 7 forks source link

Change of plugin maintainer #58

Open farshidtz opened 2 years ago

farshidtz commented 2 years ago

The LinkSmart team at Fraunhofer FIT no longer has the resources to maintain this plugin. The last update submitted to Grafana was from a year ago ( and rejected due to changes in the Grafana submission process.

Fraunhofer IOSB (maintainers of FROST Server) have agreed to take over this responsibility. The new home for this plugin will be:

To Dos:

rhzg commented 2 years ago

The FROST team at Fraunhofer IOSB is happy to accept this responsibility and we will do our best to continue the great work you have done so far in providing this very useful SensorThings API plugin. As we are also committed to the OGC standardization work, we will make sure that compliance to the standard will always be maintained, as it is the case with our FROST-Server and other companion tools.

farshidtz commented 2 years ago

I will label issues that are worth transferring with the "transfer" label.

Issues that will not be transferred due to lack of up-to-date information:

farshidtz commented 2 years ago

As suggested by the engineering team (support ticket #32406), for the renaming, IOSB would need to submit the change to the plugin repository.