linksplatform / Ranges

LinksPlatform's Platform.Ranges Class Library
The Unlicense
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Can we use here templates? #44

Closed poul250 closed 3 years ago

poul250 commented 3 years ago

do that like this:

template<typename T>
public: static T Difference(Range<T> range) { return range.Maximum - range.Minimum; }

Return type is T, but we can also use auto.

uselessgoddess commented 3 years ago

In the C++20 standard we can use

template<typename T> requires 
    requires(T maximum, T minimum) { maximum - minimum; }
public: static T Difference(Range<T> range) { return range.Maximum - range.Minimum; }

For all types with operator- or builtin '-'

Konard commented 3 years ago

Yes, we can. Looks like this issue was solved by #61