linksplatform / doublets-rs

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Improve `ffi::specialize_for` #11

Open uselessgoddess opened 2 years ago

uselessgoddess commented 2 years ago

Now the specialization for all integer types looks like this:

    types = "u8",
    types = "u16",
    types = "u32",
    types = "u64",
    convention = "rust",
    name = "doublets_constants_*"

I see two ways of development:

1. Remove convention and add explicit annotation with more luxury style:

        u8  => "u8",
        u16 => "uint16",
        u32 => "uint",
        u64 => "ll",
    name = "doublets_constants_*"
    u8(u8), u16(uint16), u32(uint), u64(ll),
    name = "doublets_constants_*"

2. Use a more limited solution with embedded annotations:

uselessgoddess commented 2 years ago

Improve in #10