linkwarden / linkwarden

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Configurable scopes/claims for SSO providers #468

Open verymilan opened 4 months ago

verymilan commented 4 months ago

Hi there, I have connected a Zitadel to Linkwarden – however that connector itself did not work (as the docs warn). I then chose the Keycloak connector which works fine but lacks the proper scope for the username (and more, see below). This wouldn't be so bad if the application wasn't blocking

Sadly it does not look like i can adjust the scopes without patching the code for my needs, because there is no generic provider or global option to aditionally set.

Right now my User table looks like:

 id | name | username | email | emailVerified | password | isPrivate |        createdAt        | archiveAsPDF | archiveAsScreenshot | archiveAsWaybackMachine | image |        updatedAt
  1 |      |          |       |               |          | f         | 2024-01-30 17:42:16.232 | t            | t                   | f                       |       | 2024-01-30 17:42:16.232
samip5 commented 4 months ago

You can also potentially use actions in Zitadel to expose the things that would be exposed normally.