linkwaveconnect / status

Status page for all LinkWave Connect services. | Página de status dos serviços da LinkWave Connect
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🛑 Webmail (LKW1) is down #13

Closed linkwaveconnect closed 2 weeks ago

linkwaveconnect commented 2 weeks ago

In edf5246, Webmail (LKW1) ($WEBMAILLKW1) was down:

linkwaveconnect commented 2 weeks ago

Identificado erro que afeta apenas a interface web de todos os sites no servidor. IMAP, POP3 e SMTP estão todos funcionando, estamos investigando o que pode ter causado este erro. | Error identified that only affects the web interface of all sites on the server. IMAP, POP3 and SMTP are all working, we are investigating what may have caused this error.

linkwaveconnect commented 2 weeks ago

Resolved: Webmail (LKW1) is back up in 147599f after 1 hour, 1 minute.