linmasahiro / vue3-table-lite

A simple and lightweight data table component for Vue.js 3. Features sorting, paging, row check, dynamic data rendering, supported TypeScript, and more.
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Is it possible to add apexchart sparkline to doSearch() function? #101

Closed jasonbau closed 10 months ago

jasonbau commented 10 months ago

Is it possible to add apexchart's sparkline to doSearch() function? I tried to add formatter to column but it does not work.

linmasahiro commented 10 months ago

Hi @jasonbau

Is it possible to add apexchart's sparkline to doSearch() function? I tried to add formatter to column but it does not work.

Of course yes, but I don't know why not work in your code, so I tried to created an example for you, hope helpful you

jasonbau commented 10 months ago

Thank you for providing example, I'm new to Vue and I hope the code I provided can receive your guidance.

    import axios from "axios";
    import { defineComponent, reactive, computed, onMounted, ref, h } from "vue";
    import { useAppVariableStore } from "@/stores/app-variable";
    import vueTable from "@/components/plugins/VueTable.vue";
    import apexchart from "@/components/plugins/Apexcharts.vue";
    import jsVectorMap from "jsvectormap";
    import "jsvectormap/dist/maps/world.js";
    import "jsvectormap/dist/css/jsvectormap.min.css";
    import datepicker from "@/components/plugins/Datepicker.vue";

    export default {
        props: {
            row: Object,
        data() {
            return {
                searchQuery: this.searchQuery,
        components: {
            vueTable: vueTable,
            apexchart: apexchart,
        watch: {},
        created() {},
        methods: {
            handlePageviewsSparklineData(data) {
                console.log('Pageviews Sparkline Data:', data);
        setup() {
            // console.log(123123123);
            const searchQuery = ref("");
            const handleSearch = () => {
                doSearch(0, 10, "id", "asc", searchQuery.value);
            const table = reactive({
                searchQuery: "",
                isLoading: false,
                columns: [
                rows: [],
                totalRecordCount: 0,
                sortable: {
                    order: "id",
                    sort: "asc",
                currentPage: 1, 
                paginationConfig: {
                    pageSizes: [20, 30, 50],

            const doSearch = (offset, limit, order, sort, searchQuery) => {
                console.log("offset:" + offset + "  limit:" + limit + "  order:" + order + "  order:" + sort + " searchQuery:" + table.searchQuery);
                // console.log(this.searchQuery);
                table.isLoading = true;
                if (table.searchQuery == "") table.searchQuery = searchQuery || "";
                        "" +
                            limit +
                            "&offset=" +
                            offset +
                            "&sort=" +
                            sort +
                            "&order=" +
                            order +
                            "&datatime=today" +
                            "&searchQuery=" +
                            table.searchQuery +
                    .then((response) => {
               => {
                            row.pageviewsSparklineData = reactive({
                                series: [
                                        name: "pageviewsSparklineData",
                                        data: => parseInt(value) || 0),
                                options: {
                                    chart: {
                                        sparkline: {
                                            enabled: true,
                                    stroke: {
                                        width: 2,
                                    height: 25,
                                height: 10,
                            row.apexSparkline = h(apexchart, { row });
                            // row.pageviewsSparklineData = "";
               => {
                            if (column.field == "id") {
                                column.sortable = true;
                                column.isKey = true;
                            } else {
                                column.sortable = true;
                            if (column.field == "pageviewsSparklineData") {
                                column.sortable = false;
                                // console.log(43534);
                                column.formatter = (row) => {

                        // console.log(
                        // console.log(columns);
                        // console.log(table);

                        table.columns =;
                        table.rows =;
                        table.totalRecordCount =;
                        // console.log(123123);
                        table.isLoading = false;
                        // console.log(table);
                        // console.log(;
                    .catch((error) => {
                        console.error("Error fetching data:", error);
            const tableLoadingFinish = (elements) => {
                // console.log(elements);
                // console.log("finish");
                table.isLoading = false;

            doSearch(0, 10, "id", "asc", searchQuery);
            // table.doSearch = doSearch;
            // table.tableLoadingFinish = tableLoadingFinish;

            return { table, doSearch, tableLoadingFinish, searchQuery, handleSearch };
        mounted() {
            // this.tableLoadingFinish();
            // this.doSearch(0, 10, "id", "asc");
            // this.loadDataFromServer();
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    <!-- BEGIN panel -->
            <panel-title>Panel title here</panel-title>
            <panel-toolbar />
            <!-- BEGIN input-group -->
            <div class="input-group input-group-lg mb-3">
                <input type="text" class="form-control input-white" placeholder="Enter keywords here..." v-model="searchQuery" @keyup.enter="handleSearch" />
                <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" @click="handleSearch"><i class="fa fa-search fa-fw"></i> Search</button>
            <!-- END input-group -->
            <!-- <vue-table class="vue-table"
          :sortable="table.sortable" /> -->

                <template v-slot:pageviewsSparklineData="{ row }">
                        <apexchart :key="" :height="row.apexSparkline.height" :options="row.apexSparkline.options" :series="row.apexSparkline.series"></apexchart>

    <!-- END panel -->

Result as below:

2023-11-12 11 28 25

linmasahiro commented 10 months ago

Hi, @jasonbau component送進slot時已經是object,你應該不再需要把row用大括弧括起來,所以你可以嘗試把 <template v-slot:pageviewsSparklineData="{ row }"> 換成 <template v-slot:pageviewsSparklineData="row" 試試看。

I saw you try to object parse to object, you not need to do that because it always be an object in the slot. So maybe you can try to change <template v-slot:pageviewsSparklineData="{ row }"> to <template v-slot:pageviewsSparklineData="row".

jasonbau commented 10 months ago


linmasahiro commented 10 months ago


好,我等等有空幫你看一下 :)

jasonbau commented 10 months ago


jasonbau commented 10 months ago


import VueTableLite from 'vue3-table-lite'

export default {
    components: {

  <vue-table-lite />
linmasahiro commented 10 months ago


現在正準備要看,你是說你另外寫了一個component叫做VueTable.vue,裡面是vue3-teble-lite對嗎? 上面這是你VueTable.vue的內容是嗎?我可以用這個結構try看看,不過你這樣再包一層的用意是什麼?


linmasahiro commented 10 months ago

Hi @jasonbau 我幫你修正好了,這是一個範例,你參考看看

最主要的關鍵是VueTable需要定義插槽,然後在將 apexchart 插入你 VueTable 中定義的插槽,之後才會從 VueTable 中將組件插入到 vue3-table-lite

jasonbau commented 10 months ago

Hi @linmasahiro 感謝你耶,老實說我也不知道為什麼再包一層,因為我是買template的,我也不太明白用意XD 我後來就直接import vue3-table-lite來做,因為多包一層好像沒甚麼特別意義,但無論如何很感謝你的協助,學到很多。