linode / manager

Akamai's Cloud Manager is an open-source, single-page application designed as the primary frontend interface for interacting with the Linode API. It is entrusted by hundreds of thousands of customers with the management of their Linode services.
Apache License 2.0
700 stars 363 forks source link

fix: [APL-417] - changed APL name to Akamai App Platform #11312

Closed dennisvankekem closed 1 week ago

dennisvankekem commented 1 week ago

Description ๐Ÿ“

It's decided that the name Application Platform for LKE should be changed to Akamai App Platform.

Changes ๐Ÿ”„

List any change(s) relevant to the reviewer.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Coverage Report: โœ…
Base Coverage: 87.46%
Current Coverage: 87.46%

linode-gh-bot commented 1 week ago

Cloud Manager UI test results

:small_red_triangle: 5 failing tests on test run #3 โ†—๏ธŽ

:x: Failing:white_check_mark: Passing:arrow_right_hook: Skipped:clock1: Duration
5 Failing440 Passing2 Skipped145m 57s


Failing Tests
:x:update-stackscripts.spec.tsUpdate stackscripts ยป updates a StackScript
:x:linode-storage.spec.tslinode storage tab ยป resize disk
:x:migrate-linode.spec.tsMigrate linodes ยป shows DC-specific pricing information when migrating linodes to similarly priced DCs
:x:rebuild-linode.spec.tsrebuild linode ยป rebuilds a linode from Community StackScript
:x:rebuild-linode.spec.tsrebuild linode ยป rebuilds a linode from Account StackScript


Use this command to re-run the failing tests:

yarn cy:run -s "cypress/e2e/core/stackscripts/update-stackscripts.spec.ts,cypress/e2e/core/linodes/linode-storage.spec.ts,cypress/e2e/core/linodes/migrate-linode.spec.ts,cypress/e2e/core/linodes/rebuild-linode.spec.ts,cypress/e2e/core/linodes/rebuild-linode.spec.ts"