linode / provider-linode

Provider Linode is a Crossplane provider for managing Linode Akamai Cloud Computing resources.
Apache License 2.0
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Possibility to set bucket policies with crossplane #36

Open mwienk opened 1 month ago

mwienk commented 1 month ago

Since the default bucket ACL permissions are quite limited, I want to use bucket policies as described in

However, I can't see how I can achieve it with crossplane. I think I would need a unique identifier for the access key to be used as a principal, and a field to actually put the policy in, but I can't see any fields in the spec that would allow me to set a bucket policy.

Is this supported? Or is support planned if it isn't supported yet?

tchinmai7 commented 1 month ago

hi @mwienk thanks for your request! Crossplane provider-linode is built on top of terraform provider-linode, and terraform-provider-linode doesn't support bucket policies as of now. Moreover, the recommended path with terraform-provider-linode is to use a generic/official s3 provider and configure bucket policies.

With crossplane, you maybe able to use to accomplish this.

This isn't a feature that's currently on our roadmap for now - but if you'd like it to be included, let us know and we can plan for it.