linode / velero-plugin

Verlero plugin that clones Linode CSI volumes for archival
Apache License 2.0
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velero restore FailedAttachVolume Volume with id not found #4

Open rchekhina opened 7 months ago

rchekhina commented 7 months ago


I have done a velero (v1.13.0) backup with velero-plugin-linode without problem it create a volume snapshot on linode volumes but when I try to restore the backup I have always the error FailedAttachVolume Volume with id not found:

Warning FailedAttachVolume 118s (x9 over 4m10s) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-a0f3c1b80aa24866" : rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Volume with id 3793277106 not found

can you help me please ?

displague commented 7 months ago

This may be an LKE limitation. If the cluster you are restoring to is not the same as the original, or if the credential used by Velero is not the same one used by the CSI driver, this could be related to:

Also, see #6

mzimry commented 7 months ago

@displague i'm getting the same error when trying to restore a volume on the same cluster. (also, i used the same linode api token from the csi driver in the plugin) . also, the error shows a volume id number that i don't see exists at all. (and it has more characters then a volume's IDs )

GRPC error: rpc error: code = NotFound desc = Volume with id 2572904422 not found

linode-cli volumes list
2641613 │ us-iad │ restore-2641535-5c90c270-a4e0-44 │ active │ 20  

this is the volume i expect to get in the restore.
not the same ID..

in addition, the PV and PVC names are the same as they were before deleting and restoring .

displague commented 7 months ago

The pod logs should indicate where these IDs are coming from. Add to the deployment: args --log-level debug and env LINODE_DEBUG 1 (enabled by default).