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micro_ros_agent stuck at logger setup #15

Closed Hernansidris closed 1 year ago

Hernansidris commented 1 year ago


when i run this ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0

Screenshot from 2022-07-14 10-31-19

there is no | Root.cpp | create_client | create | SessionManager.hpp | establish_session | session established only I can see Root.cpp.

i already reconnect the teensy and the result same

Screenshot from 2022-07-14 10-36-03

i also run this ros2 topic list

Screenshot from 2022-07-14 10-41-27

there is no topic publish example /imu/data /odom/unfiltered /parameter_events /rosout

is there another/better solution?

grassjelly commented 1 year ago

hey @Hernansidris do you mind sharing what caused the problem?

Hernansidris commented 1 year ago

hay @grassjelly the problem i got is imu connection failed

this is not best solution but i just bypass imu connection in sourcode linorobot2_hardware/firmware/firmware.ino

Screenshot from 2022-07-14 15-30-20

the micro_ros agent not stuck again and imu data work i dont know what the real problem

shazib2t commented 4 months ago

I know it is old post but I had the same issue and found the IMU was not correctly selected in the lino_base_config.h