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in sql case when then how to convert to linq #9

Closed quan01994 closed 6 years ago

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

I'm here again。。。。。

SELECT (ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN oi.SaleWay='A' THEN ABS(oi.SalePrice*oi.SaleQnty) END),0) - 
        ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN oi.SaleWay='B' THEN ABS(oi.SalePrice*oi.SaleQnty) END),0) 
 ) AS FlowAmount FROM OrderInfo oi
LEFT JOIN (SELECT GoodsCode,GoodsLevelId FROM GoodsInfo) gi ON oi.GoodsCode = gi.GoodsCode

If you have detailed documentation, I can go see。

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Nothing special here - use standard C# operators (p ? a : b) ?? 0

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

This seems wrong,how to fix.

var qry = from orderinfo in db.OrderInfo
            from goodsInfo in db.GoodsInfo.LeftJoin(g => g.GoodsCode == orderinfo.GoodsCode)
            where goodsInfo.GoodsLevelId == 1 && orderinfo.OrderStatus == 0
            group orderinfo by orderinfo.SaleWay into g
            select g.Key == "A" ? g.Sum(m => m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice) : 0 - (g.Key == "B" ? g.Sum(m => m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice) : 0);
from orderinfo in db.OrderInfo
                    from goodsInfo in db.GoodsInfo.LeftJoin(g => g.GoodsCode == orderinfo.GoodsCode)
                    where goodsInfo.GoodsLevelId == 1 && orderinfo.OrderStatus == 0
                    group orderinfo by new {goodsInfo.GoodsLevelId, orderinfo.SaleWay}
                    into g
                    select Sql.Abs(g.Where(m => m.SaleWay == "A").Sum(m => m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice)) -
                           Sql.Abs(g.Where(m => m.SaleWay == "B").Sum(m => m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice));

it's wrong with m.SaleWay

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Yes it is wrong. But this not

var qry = from orderinfo in db.OrderInfo
          from goodsInfo in db.GoodsInfo.LeftJoin(g => g.GoodsCode == orderinfo.GoodsCode && g.GoodsLevelId == 1 && g.OrderStatus == 0)
          select Sql.Ext.Sum(orderinfo.SaleWay == "A" ? orderinfo.SaleQnty * orderinfo.SalePrice : 0).ToValue() ?? 0 - 
                 Sql.Ext.Sum(orderinfo.SaleWay == "B" ? orderinfo.SaleQnty * orderinfo.SalePrice : 0).ToValue() ?? 0;
quan01994 commented 6 years ago

ok ,thank you . i know how to write

quan01994 commented 6 years ago
  var qry = from orderinfo in db.OrderInfo
                          from goodsInfo in db.GoodsInfo.LeftJoin(g => g.GoodsCode == orderinfo.GoodsCode)
                          where goodsInfo.GoodsLevelId == 1 && orderinfo.OrderStatus == 0
                          group orderinfo by new { goodsInfo.GoodsLevelId } into g
                          select g.Sum(m => m.SaleWay == "A" ? Sql.Abs(m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice) : 0) -
                                 g.Sum(m => m.SaleWay == "B" ? Sql.Abs(m.SaleQnty * m.SalePrice) : 0);
quan01994 commented 6 years ago

emmm, It seems that your method is more concise

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Your where condition transforms left join into inner join.

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

LeftJoin(g => g.GoodsCode == orderinfo.GoodsCode && g.GoodsLevelId == 1 && g.OrderStatus == 0) g.GoodsLevelId == 1 && g.OrderStatus == 0 This will result in different results

your linq convert to sql

        WHEN [t1].[SaleWay] = N'A'
            THEN Abs(Convert(Decimal(29,10), [t1].[SaleQnty]) * [t1].[SalePrice])
        ELSE 0
    END) as [c1],
        WHEN [t1].[SaleWay] = N'B'
            THEN Abs(Convert(Decimal(29,10), [t1].[SaleQnty]) * [t1].[SalePrice])
        ELSE 0
    END) as [c2]
    [OrderInfo] [t1]
        LEFT JOIN [GoodsInfo] [g1] ON [g1].[GoodsCode] = [t1].[GoodsCode] AND [g1].[GoodsLevelId] = 1 AND [t1].[OrderStatus] = 0

my linq to convert

        WHEN [t1].[SaleWay] = N'A'
            THEN Abs(Convert(Decimal(29,10), [t1].[SaleQnty]) * [t1].[SalePrice])
        ELSE 0
    END) as [c1],
        WHEN [t1].[SaleWay] = N'B'
            THEN Abs(Convert(Decimal(29,10), [t1].[SaleQnty]) * [t1].[SalePrice])
        ELSE 0
    END) as [c2]
    [OrderInfo] [t1]
        LEFT JOIN [GoodsInfo] [g1] ON [g1].[GoodsCode] = [t1].[GoodsCode]
    [g1].[GoodsLevelId] = 1 AND [t1].[OrderStatus] = 0

all transforms left join but will get different results

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

So, why do you need left join here?

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

emmm,i want the orderinfo table as the basic. Although the goodscode does not appear to be duplicated I seem to understand the wrong sentence. :)

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

So closing for now.

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

Is DATEPART supported?

SELECT DATEPART(month, SaleDate) AS SaleDate, COUNT(OrderNo) AS  Num,SUM(SalePrice*SaleQnty) AS Sale
FROM OrderInfo
GROUP BY DATEPART(month, SaleDate)
sdanyliv commented 6 years ago


quan01994 commented 6 years ago

I found it, but how to use it ?

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Sql.DatePart(Sq.DateParts.Month, orderinfo.SaleDate)

Clone our repository and you can find almost any sample in Unit Tests.

quan01994 commented 6 years ago


sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

orderinfo.SaleDate.Month also should work.

quan01994 commented 6 years ago
 var orderinfoQry = from orderinfo in db.OrderInfo
                                   where orderinfo.SaleDate > time
                                   select new
                                       Month = Sql.DatePart(Sql.DateParts.Month, orderinfo.SaleDate),
    [OrderInfo] [t1]
    [t1].[SaleDate] > @time1

Not in line with my expectations

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Sometimes linq2db decides to calculate some elements on the client side especially if it is projection. But we have function Sql.AsSql to force server side evaluation. Sql.AsSql(Sql.DatePart(Sql.DateParts.Month, orderinfo.SaleDate))

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

OK, i know . I will go to write an introduction about linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore in Chinese.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Valuable news. Good to know that sharing knowledge produced results ;)

quan01994 commented 6 years ago

about Sql.Ext.RowNumber
I looked at the source code ,this function is not Implemented now i can only get index from list or a better way?

var flowQry = db.ReportEmployeeCommissionByMonth.OrderBy(m => m.TotalCommision).Select(m => new CommissionEmployeeOrderItem
                    TotalCommision = m.TotalCommision,
                var list = flowQry.ToList().Select((m, idx) => new CommissionEmployeeOrderItem
                    TotalCommision = m.TotalCommision,
                    Order = idx + 1